SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

“Guides” needed for Project Green Team and Women’s Clinic

Guides are needed for the Project Green Team (PGT) annual outing at Avalanche. We need you whether you can do a day or all week. Dates are May 14th through 18th.

Also there are casting clinics for the PGT kids on March 30th and April 27th, 1-3 PM at Shabazz High School on N. Sherman Ave, Madison.

The chapters Women’s Clinics are soaring in popularity and we need volunteers who will come out to the Westfork Sports Club on June 14th from 3 p.m. on and June 15 from 10:30 am on. You’ll be taking three different women fishing during these days for them to work on their skills while on the water.

To help out or find out more info contact Rich Lahti 608-516-4480 rlahti64@gmail.com and Scot Stewart 608-345-8694 scotstewart2@gmail.com.

If you have guided in the past or would like to guide this year you are also invited to an appreciation lunch on June 14th from 12:00-2:00. RSVPs are required for this event. Contact Rich Lahti at 608-516-4480 or rlahti64@gmail.com.

If you can help with any or all of these, or for more information, please contact:

Rich Lahti 608-516-4480 (rlahti64@gmail.com)
Tina Murray (t.murray.t@gmail.com