SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

No June, July or August Meetings

Per usual, we are taking the summer off and not having regular chapter meetings in June, July or August. The busy, hot, travel-filled summer months are not generally conducive to large meetings.

That’s not to say you can’t do anything! Here are some ideas to stay active …



  • Grab your waders and be there for our workday on July 15 at the Basco Unit County Wildlife Area (Neperud) on the Sugar River. Watch for more details!
  • Keep checking this website for updates, pictures, news opportunities and more!
  • Reach out to somebody in the Chapter and go fishing or tie flies together. Maybe somebody you haven’t fished or tied with before.
  • Not sure of anybody to fish or tie with? Contact a Board member (listed at the end of the newsletter) or make a post on our Facebook page.
  • Loan out your favorite book on fishing, or bug a friend for a fishing book to borrow.

We’ll have a short newsletter in July summarizing some of our spring activities and then your loyal editor gets a break until September.