SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

A warm and productive final spring 2019 workday

By Topf Wells

Perhaps, the Wisconsin Corn Growers or some other organization that desires hot, humid weather should sponsor SWTU spring work days.  We show up and the forecast rain and cooler temperatures stay away until we are finished.  So the story went on June 15 when SWTU hosted our last work day of this spring on Dane County’s Davidson Property on the Sugar River, just north of Paoli.  Our task was to transform the mountains of brush we can cut and stacked earlier this year into a massive brush bundle which would rejuvenate and stabilize a stream bank, provide a bit deeper and cleaner channel, create safe refuges for small trout and feeding areas for bigger ones. 

A dozen SWTU members and friends accomplished all those goals on a muggy day.  Seventy-five degrees is pretty darn wonderful for walking the Farmer’s Market or contemplating life and a beer at Memorial Terrace, not so much for hauling tangled brush or wedging it into a muddy stream bank.  We persisted and succeeded.  As always a huge factor was Jim Hess’s preparation and planning.  He had the area staked out and all the equipment we needed.  Our TU members worked really hard.  And sometimes the good guys catch a much-needed break.  We did in the form of Vince Schmitz.

Vince is a member of the DNR’s Southern District’s Fish Operations Crew.  SWTU remembers Vince with great gratitude because he was one the key technicians and heavy equipment operators on the Neperud project.  Vince decided the DNR needed to offer some tangible support to our work on the Sugar River so he showed up to help.  Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.  With great knowledge and good humor, Vince showed us how and why to build the brush bundle and worked incredibly hard with us.  Oh, to be young and strong and know what you’re doing.  My guess is that Vince improved our productivity by 50% or maybe more.  And was a pleasure to work with.

On many of our projects and activities this spring we’ve been joined by different members of the new generation fo DNR Fisheries employees.  Like Vince, they are a wonderful bunch of dedicated, smart and enthusiastic folks.  We and the trout resource are lucky to have them.

We hope lots of you will come out and see what we accomplished.  Cross the farm bridge on the Davidson property, turn downstream, and walk 100 yards.  You can’t miss it.

At day’s end we retreated to the Paoli Pub and Grill for celebratory beer and food.  Thanks to all who made the Spring Work Days a success, with a huge shout out to Jim Hess for all his planning, work, and dedication.  We can’t wait to see what Jim and the Conservation Committee will plan for the fall and winter.  Actually we should wait – Jim deserves a couple of months of serious fishing and relaxation before any more work occurs.