SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Ecologist Steve Carpenter talks Water Sustainability and Climate

Thursday, January 9 Chapter Meeting
Southern WI Trout Unlimited is pleased to have Steve Carpenter, the emeritus Director at the Center for Limnology of the University of WI Madison and Stephen Alfred Forbes Professor of Integrative Biology (formerly Zoology), speaking at our monthly meeting on January 9th. 

Steve has been called a “Free-Range Scientist” and has helped change not only the way we study freshwater systems but also how we manage them and work to conserve them.

His limnological research focuses on the interaction of biogeochemistry and food web processes in lakes. His presentation will discuss the Yahara Watershed, touching on topics like changes in land use and climate, human impact (such as fishing and introduction of exotic species), and the future of the watershed.

When he isn’t cooped up in his office writing papers on big ecological themes, he’ll more than likely be fighting invasive species and restoring native prairie plants on his land in Wisconsin’s driftless area west of Madison.

There will be a 50/50 raffle to help cover the room fee. Tickets will be available from 6:30 – 7:45 pm for $5 each. The drawing will take place at 8:00 pm, or as soon as possible after the featured speaker is completed. This is a must be present to win drawing. One winning ticket takes home half of the cash raised!

As usual, the meeting is upstairs at the Coliseum Bar and Grill on East Olin Avenue at 7 p.m. but please get there early this month if at all possible for auction items, drinks, food or sharing stories!