SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Spring Stream Workdays: Join us!

Mark your calendar so you can be sure to join us on these Saturdays to help make a real difference for our cold water resource. The work is easy and no experience necessary.

The planned workday for March 28 has been cancelled in response to COVID-19 precautions. Watch this space for updates on the events listed below.  

April 11 or 18 – help DNR plant trees on Black Earth Creek – won’t know which Saturday until later, depends on the nursery.

May 9 – workday with Justin Haglund (Fish Biologist with the DNR), probably on the new Langfoss easement off of River Fork road in Iowa County. The new DNR Habitat Maintenance Crew will be joining us.

May 30 – Brush clearing and installing brush bundles at the Davidson property on the Sugar River.

June 13 – Install brush bundles and brush clearing at the Davidson property on the Sugar River.