SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Learn What Your Board’s Been Up To – Feb 2023

Minutes from SWTU Board of Director meetings can be viewed in this Google Drive. If you have questions on what you read in them, reach out to one of the Board members listed on the last page of each newsletter. (Note that you may need to click the “Last Modified” header at the top to sort the list with the latest minutes at the top.)

Protecting Badger Mill Creek
At its January 31st meeting, the SWTU Board unanimously adopted a resolution requesting that the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) continue to discharge highly treated and aerated effluent to Badger Mill Creek.  MMSD might stop this discharge in order to reduce its input of phosphorus to the stream.  Please read the resolution below for a brief statement of SWTU’s reasons for this position.

SWTU is part of a coalition of local governments and conservation organizations which are extremely concerned with MMSD’s removing this water from Badger Mill Creek.  The Upper Sugar River Watershed Association, the Friends of Badger Mill Creek, the City of Verona, and the Town of Montrose have representatives in this group and/or have passed resolutions urging that MMSD maintain this water.  Other local governments and organizations are closely reviewing this situation.

MMSD is conducting engineering studies and states that it has not yet decided on a course of action.  SWTU will keep you informed of developments in this process.

The Southern Wisconsin Chapter of Trout Unlimited (SWTU) opposes the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s(MMSD) plan to discontinue the discharge of its highly treated and aerated effluent to Badger Mill Creek.  SWTU believes this action will harm the creek now and deprive it of a critical buffer in our changed climate.

Badger Mill Creek functions as a Class ! trout stream and vital tributary to the Sugar River, another important trout stream.  It flows through the rapidly developing southwest side of the Madison metropolitan area.  With miles of public access and restored segments of stream, it is an extremely popular resource for anglers and other outdoor recreationists.

SWTU has supported the preservation and improvement of Badger Mill Creek for almost 40 years with volunteer work days and financial contributions to restoration projects.

MMSD’s effluent represents between 20-50% of the stream’s flow, depending on the time of year and other conditions.  That amount of flow increases and improves the habitat trout and the creek’s other creatures need.  Moreover, Badger Mill Creek and the Sugar River are the Dane County trout streams most vulnerable to the droughts and heat waves the changed climate will produce.  The effluent will be vital to Badger Mill’s survival as a trout stream and an important factor in the Sugar River’s resiliency.

MMSD has publicly promised it will not take any action that would harm Badger Mill Creek.  Stopping the discharge of effluent will hurt the creek.

MMSD has at least two viable options to comply with the phosphorus regulations that cover Badger Mill Creek in addition to the option of stopping the discharge of effluent.  SWTU urges MMSD to take either of those actions and maintain the flow of Badger Mill Creek.

The SWTU Board unanimously adopted this resolution at its January 31, 2023, Board Meeting.