SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Volunteering at Joy Trip Project Event

By Tom Thrall

The creator of this unique project is James Edward Mills. He is a nationally known journalist and is a Nelson Institute lecturer among many other things. He lives here in Madison. He is also a passionate fly fisher. This is a national program who’s goal is to encourage and train Black Men to get out in nature and enjoy our public lands.

The theme is, “Where do I as a black man, fit in nature? How do we hold space in nature for our next generation of young men?”

James was here in Madison for a national showing of a film he produced which is being shown around the country.

The film, “Blackwaters: Brotherhood in the Wild” asks, follows five black men with five unique perspectives as they embark on a fly-fishing adventure in the Gates of the Arctic Circle National Park.

As part of this event, Dane County Parks Dane Co sponsored an event for invited participants at Black Earth Creek/Salmo pond. SWTU was asked if we would be willing was asked if we would be willing to provide a morning of instruction on the basics of flyfishing and do some casting instructions. We agreed to do so and the event went very well and it was very rewarding to work with such a great group of people.

Many thanks to volunteers Curt Diehl, Andy Morton, Jim Beecher, Jim Hess and Tom Thrall … and to Jim Beecher for the photos.