SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

SWTU Comments on Renewal of Discharge Permit for a Quarry on Black Earth Creek

By Henry Nehls-Lowe

In November SWTU submitted comments, during a 30-day public comment period, on Wisconsin DNR’s intent to reissue the permit for discharging to Black Earth Creek by the Capitol Sand & Gravel quarry, at 8355 Stagecoach Road, which is east of Cross Plains.

Quarry discharges at the outfall can be a significant contribution to flows of upper Black Earth Creek, though the discharge volume can vary and sometimes is intermittent. Prior temperature monitoring of the effluent showed a number of exceedances of DNR’s calculated effluent limits. As a result daily temperature monitoring is being added to the renewed permit, along with daily maximum effluent limits. The new permit also adds compliance actions for exceedance of temperature limits, which was also not in the prior discharge permit (10/1/2018 to 9/30/2023). The new permit’s term covers 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2028.

SWTU’s main comments were: 1) thanking the DNR for adding a daily temperature monitoring regimen and adding daily maximum limits; 2) asking how those interested can regularly receive copies of monthly reports submitted to DNR by the quarry; and 3) recommending the shortening of the temperature compliance timeframe when DNR requires action by the quarry.